
krangGAMES's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 938 (From 123 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 10,610 Points


Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/130 points)

Start 5 Points

Kill the first boss.

Halfway 25 Points

Defeat the first 5 bosses.

Finish 50 Points

Defeat all 10 bosses.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

One Way Dungeon

Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/190 points)

Into the One Way Dungeon 5 Points

Reach 200 meters checkpoint

Almost there, sir knight 10 Points

Reach 400 meters

Eternal Pendant Of Infinity 25 Points

Beat the game

Leg! Teach me how to run fast! 50 Points

Reach 200 meters in Survival Mode

Run Knight, Run 100 Points

Reach 500 meters in Survival Mode

Orchestrated Death II

Medals Earned: 6/17 (150/500 points)

Don't taze me Bro! 25 Points

Kill the criminal with the Manipulate card.

Fun with Molotovs 25 Points

Kill the couple with the Manipulate card.

Human Bomb 25 Points

Kill the couple with the Possession card.

Man-fillet 25 Points

Kill the lumberjack with the Manipulate Card.

Megapede Mutilation 25 Points

Kill the lumberjack with the Summon card.

Wrath of the Kraken 25 Points

Kill the criminal with the Summon card.

All Deaths Complete 25 Points

Kill the victims in all 9 different ways.

Destroyer 25 Points

Kill all your victims with the Manipulate card.

Holy Disintegration 25 Points

Kill the criminal with the Possession card.

Intruder 25 Points

Kill the lumberjack with the Possession card.

Puppeteer 25 Points

Kill all your victims with the Possession card.

Serpent Swallow 25 Points

Kill the couple with the Summon card.

Summoner 25 Points

Kill all your victims with the Summon card.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Pee Man - The Game

Medals Earned: 6/7 (190/290 points)

Phase I 5 Points

Complete the first phase.

Phase II 10 Points

Complete the second phase.

Phase III 25 Points

Complete the third phase.

Phase IV 50 Points

Complete the final phase.

Split Stream 50 Points

Fully load your bladder.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Perfect 100 Points

Win without taking any damage.


Medals Earned: 4/5 (90/190 points)

Air bud 5 Points

Fall into a bottomless pit

Handy dog 10 Points

Unlock a door

Bat bridge 25 Points

Discover your origins

Canis Familiaris 50 Points

Get to know yourself better

A matter of perspective 100 Points

Complete the game


Medals Earned: 2/30 (10/500 points)

Bully to Toads 5 Points

Defeat the Armored King Toad

It's dangerous to go alone! 5 Points

Obtain the wooden bat

Bearer of Bad News 5 Points

Give Albert the Bad News

Breaker of Robots 5 Points

Scrap a Big Robot

Enemy to Kobolds 5 Points

Defeat the Mercenary General

Exterminator 5 Points

Rid a tree house of slimes

Harpy Backfire 5 Points

Defeat a harpy with her own weapon

Never knew what hit him 5 Points

Quickly drop a patrolling bandit unawares

Never waste food 5 Points

Eat 5 food items that are considered unsafe

Novice Moon Stone Hunter 5 Points

Collect 5 Moon Stones

Robin Hood? 5 Points

Steal from the mayor's treasury

Slayer of Dragons 5 Points

Defeat a fully grown Sand Dragon

A Connoisseur of Fluffy Pillows 10 Points

Sleep wherever it is possible to sleep

Big Eater 10 Points

Consumed over 30 healing items

Iron Skin 10 Points

Increase Max HP to 40

Big Bag 25 Points

Upgrade inventory to its max size

Experienced Moon Stone Hunter 25 Points

Collect 20 Moon Stones

Most Dangerous Arsenal 25 Points

Carry all the best equipment

Property Destruction 25 Points

Break over 100 boxes or crates

The End 25 Points

Beat the Game

Treasure Hunter 25 Points

Collect over 1000 coins since the start of your journey

Diamond Skin 50 Points

Increase Max Health to 99

Indomitable! 50 Points

Finish the game with zero deaths

Master Moon Stone Hunter 50 Points

Collect 40 Moon Stones

Speed Runner! 50 Points

Finish the game in 64 minutes or less

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Pico Radio

Medals Earned: 5/18 (25/90 points)

Art Lover 5 Points

Go to arts NG page!

DeathInk Lover 5 Points

Go to Authors NG page!

Music Lover 5 Points

Go to songs NG page!

Seraph's Picks 5 Points

Listen to FightingSeraph's favorite NG musicians

This is a TEST! 5 Points


B 5 Points


Bitches Love Poundcake 5 Points

Would anyone like some pound cake?

Emrox's Picks 5 Points

Listen to Emrox's favorite NG music

Keeping a promise 5 Points

I kept mine, here is a little something for keeping yours!

LazyMuffin LP 5 Points

LazyMuffin plays the hits!

Mother Lover 5 Points

Click the Newgrounds link. CLICK IT!!!!!

Radio Lover 5 Points

If you love this Radio, you will get this medal.

Sexual-Lobster LP 5 Points

Gaze into my chocolate eyes...

Spooktober 5 Points

Lister to the spooktober update!

Super Meat Boy 5 Points


The 100 5 Points

100 down

The People's Pico 5 Points

Let them shuffle tracks!

TOM 5 Points

It rhymes with bomb!

PixEvo - The Fountain

Medals Earned: 6/7 (200/300 points)

Back To Life 5 Points

Recover some strength

The Heart Of Man 10 Points

Become a full human

Walking Again 10 Points

Get your legs back

More Than A Man 25 Points

Grow small wings

The Call Of The Beast 50 Points

Become the beast

True Protector 100 Points

Restore the fountain's flow

Speed Run 100 Points

Complete the game in 15 minutes or less

Plimpton's Video Falconry

Medals Earned: 1/8 (10/210 points)

Nerdist 10 Points

Get a delightful history lesson.

Celebration 25 Points

Become Fireworks Commissioner of New York City.

Cultural Literacy 25 Points

Edit an early Philip Roth story for The Paris Review.

Shadow Box 25 Points

Get beaten up badly in a sparring match with Sugar Ray Robinson.

Victory 25 Points

Drive a tank in post WWII Italy for the US Army.

Millennium Falcon 50 Points

Save the galaxy.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Push Me

Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/35 points)

PFirst PFerfect 5 Points

You got your first perfect level score.

PFifteen PFerfects 5 Points

You've got 15 Perfect Scores!

PFinished! 25 Points

You've beaten Push Me! Congrats!